Dr. Judge Featured in New Beauty!
Donovan Wells2020-08-07T17:52:09+00:00Read what she says about why you should stop picking at your skin:
Read what she says about why you should stop picking at your skin:
Many patients come for consults and often ask about Botox to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, but more and more patients are also interested in fillers like Juvéderm Plus, Juvéderm Ultra Plus, Voluma, Restylane, and Perlane. Fillers such as these are used to replace the volume lost to areas affected by the natural aging [...]
This is a photo of the Steering Committee for the 2oth annual Women Playing for T.I.M.E. (Technology, Immediate diagnosis, Mammography, and Education) Tournament held in Orlando on October 8th. There were 120 golfers and over $30,600 was raised during the event, which was held at the Golden Bear Club at Keene's Pointe. Dr. Judge [...]