Beauty/Skin Tips

Is your provider an ExpertInjector™?


Only 7% of doctors legally permitted to administer injectables are qualified to be ExpertInjectors™... We are proud to say Dr. Judge is one of them! The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery is a founding partner of the ExpertInjectors™ program. It's goal is to help patients seeking cosmetic injectable treatment find qualified providers in the core [...]

Is your provider an ExpertInjector™?2020-08-07T19:41:11+00:00

Christy’s Beauty Tip: Don’t Pick!


Christy Giovannini, Licensed Esthetician (2004) It can be a nervous habit or even the desire to be rid of blemishes that make some people pick and scratch. Whatever the reason… cease and desist! Instead, twirl your hair to give your hands something to do or apply a Camphor Treatment or mask to help alleviate [...]

Christy’s Beauty Tip: Don’t Pick!2020-08-07T19:41:36+00:00

Christy’s Beauty Tip: Product Compatibility


Christy Giovannini, Licensed Esthetician (2004) Make sure your beauty products are compatible! There are many products that have wonderful benefits that can be deactivated or counteracted by ingredients in others. Don’t be afraid to ask your esthetician. Example: Retin-A and Vitamin C Vitamin C helps combat free radicals and boost collagen production. Retin-A is [...]

Christy’s Beauty Tip: Product Compatibility2020-08-07T19:42:13+00:00
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